Protect Your Energy Now!


“Always beware of the people you allow in your energy space. Some might contaminate your energy to a point of no return.”

Mitta Xinindlu
Buy Now!

Have you noticed….

that the environment around us is full of negative energy and negative people?
You may recognize environmental hazards, but there are no “warning lights” on toxic people, so you don’t know what you are up against!
Yes…we all know those people who leave us feeling “drained” of energy...
It is recognized that the human body contains energy or “magnetic fields”, and when those “fields” are disturbed, the body’s function can be compromised.
But what if you developed actual unpleasant symptoms from being around people?

Don’t let this happen to YOU!

Nowadays, we are even more aware of this because the use of drugs and chemicals is rapidly increasing, and drugs and chemicals are known to be secreted through the skin, saliva and detox organs.
“No other generation before ours has been exposed to as many man-made chemicals and toxic substances as we are. The air we breathe is polluted, the water we drink is not clean, the food we eat is processed, the food for our soul is provided by a sensationalizing media, our life style is sedentary, our body cells lack oxygen, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, our organs of detoxification and excretion are overwhelmed and our body is overloaded with waste products and toxic metabolites which render it vulnerable to all sorts of bacteria and viruses.

How do we survive?

“Information on Detoxification”, Issels Immuno-Oncology

Without knowing it, you are being exposed to other people’s vibrational frequencies – drugs, toxins, and chemicals which you know nothing about!
And the consequences are alarming…

What if you were being exposed to aerosolized saliva and perspiration, with all the nasties that they might contain?

You KNOW the answer to that question…
Always consult your doctor first, of course, but if you’ve tried, and STILL experience discomfort with no solutions, we may have some options.
What if you could get something that would send these nasties packing – BEFORE they could have an impact on YOUR health?


…..and get protected from these negative energies

You can order the newly created VIBRANT ENERGY MEDALLION

Press the “Buy Now” button 

& obtain your

Vibrant Energy Medallion.

Buy Now!
How would you feel if you experienced any of the following and you had no idea what has caused them?
And you’ve sat in the doctor’s clinic while they were “concerned” but unable to help you, even after maybe changing your medication several times with no effect or improvement.
Have you suffered from any of these, or do any of these sound familiar?
Upset menstrual cycles – irregularity, heavy bleeding, and/or clotting.
Unexpected miscarriage.
Sudden onset of vaginal bleeding in babies, young girls, or pets.
Pain and/or inflammation of the testicles.
Unusual bleeding of the gums.
Unwarranted nose bleeds, or even tiny clots of blood in the mucous from the nose
Severe and unusual headaches or migraines.
Unexpected, flu-like symptoms when you haven’t been around sick people.
Strange redness or skin rash similar to measles and/or itching.
Tinnitus or ringing in the ears that wasn’t there before.
The real problem here is that the first you may know about the impact of negative energy is when these symptoms occur.
Believe me, they can be inconvenient, not to mention extremely painful.
In some cases, there have been reports of menstrual pain so bad that it required a day in bed when this has never happened before, and testicular inflammation requiring a visit to the doctor.
I’ll bet you already know that men and boys don’t like talking about their private parts, so anything that goes wrong down there will NOT be something they want to talk about, that’s for sure!

Just Imagine…

Your child coming home from a day at school with inflamed testicles and totally embarrassed to tell you – let alone show you! Symptoms like that are almost incomprehensible for a small child.
Sure, you will most likely take him to the doctor and perhaps antibiotics will be prescribed, but do you want that to happen again?
Sure, you will most likely take him to the doctor and perhaps antibiotics will be prescribed, but do you want that to happen again?


Or what if your baby or little girl suddenly has vaginal bleeding after a visit to relatives or friends?
If abuse has not occurred, is it possible that her hormonal system is being affected? This has never been known to happen before but it sure is happening now and worrying a lot of parents.

The incidents above had no known cause or explanation from doctors…

In fact, when these people present themselves to doctors, they invariably feel completely frustrated, as doctors have no answers at this point.

What could your medical professional do about this – no matter how caring or concerned they are…

There are stories of “unusual”, “unacceptable”, and “out-of-control” behavior from children who have returned from a visit to grandparents – these are children who are usually well-behaved.
Science tells us that chemicals can affect the hormones, so perhaps the chemicals being passed into the atmosphere by people affected or infected are impacting MORE than just the sex hormone system…

“How might they REALLY be  affecting your body?”


“Do I REALLY want to let it go on long enough to find out??”


The real question is,
No one can explain your symptoms or conditions and mitigate them, OR
You can’t see a way through your current maze, OR
Your best friend or wonderful neighbor now sap you of vitality, OR
You feel alone or helpless or in need of support, OR
You want change but you don’t know where to go
You may be experiencing the effects of negative energy without realizing it, or without knowing its source
Remember the past promotions of “wonder cures” which ultimately caused death or destruction – of human life or the environment?
DDT… used to kill insects… but was later found to be carcinogenic...
Thalidomide… used to treat nausea in pregnant women... remember the babies born without limbs?
Asbestos... used for construction products and insulation... the manufacturer KNEW it could kill in an agonizing way.
Vioxx... used to relieve arthritis symptoms, acute adult pain and painful menstrual cycles… recalled as it massively increased the risk of cardiovascular events...

Would you trust the same authorities now telling you that certain medications are “safe”?


Would you look for protection from people who maybe be secreting these ‘chemicals’ in their saliva and perspiration?

We are proud
to offer

The Vibrant
Energy Medallion

an alternative, drug-free, cost effective, form of protection from the negative energy of other people that works 24/7
Press the “Buy Now” button
and obtain your Vibrant Energy Medallion.
Buy Now!
Did you know that sperm banks are reporting that donors who previously provided prolific and healthy sperm are no longer able to do that?
Did you know that the sperm is negatively affected and the reproductive quality is poor because people have taken in chemicals that they believed to be safe?
The fertilization rates of ova also dropped markedly, so it is obvious that some chemicals affect the reproductive ability of both males and females.
This is deeply disturbing for anyone who wants to have a family now or in the future…
So, these questions must be asked…
… if we KNOW that chemicals, medications, and drugs are affecting hormonal systems in
people that use them, and the evidence shows that their reproductive ability is negatively affected as a result…
… and if we can SEE the same effects on hormonal systems of people who have not been personally and DIRECTLY exposed, but who are in proximity to them…
… is there a possibility that reproductive ability may also be adversely affected by just being around these people?
… Could this actually happen?
… And could the damage be PERMANENT?

The short answer is that no one knows… YET!!

How many years did it take for authorities to admit the dangers of thalidomide, DDT, asbestos or Vioxx?
How much needless suffering and death occurred as a result of their deliberate ‘blindness to the truth’?
People can make their own supplements to reduce the impact of negative energy – but how much should they take and when? It still gets back to the fact that you don’t KNOW what is going on in the lives of people around you.
If we could use a high quality, hospital-grade, 100% stainless steel medallion imprinted with vibrations to help protect energy in these environments, would that be worthwhile?
The fact is that nobody knows how their body is being affected until it might be too late.


It is recognized that the human body contains both electrical and magnetic fields. Just as power flowing along high voltage power lines creates an electromagnetic field, and like water flowing through a pipe system creates a ‘form of a current’, so circulation through the body generates a similar field of vibrational energy. When this vibrational energy field is interrupted or compromised, the energy level or vitality is impacted.
People who are “chemicalised” will undoubtedly have their energy affected. How might this impact on you? Badly, for sure!
Having a source of impregnated positive, balancing frequencies in the medallion which creates a harmonizing effect and can diminish the impact of frequencies that are negative to the body must be beneficial, RIGHT??


The Vibrant
Energy Medallion

Programmed with frequencies designed to protect you from negative energy vibrations and reduce or even totally prevent the potential impact of the negative environments around you.

The programmed medallion reduces or eliminates the negative energy vibrations (rather like noise cancelling headphones) and allows your body to pick up positive energy vibrations while rejecting negative frequencies.

Users of the medallion have experienced….

Previous unnerving symptoms disappear
A feeling of ‘clearing’ or ‘freeing’ of energy
Fewer illnesses than they would expect to have, and…
A child ‘feeling good’ when it is on and not wanting to remove it

If maintaining your good health, or improving your current health is important to you,

Then, Don’t Delay...

Buy your energy protecting medallion. Join the many who know the benefits of doing so.


Our daily lives are often impacted by distressing situations, negative environments, aggressive and controlling people, fear of the unknown, relationship breakdowns and other circumstances. These circumstances are mostly negative and we are impacted knowingly or unknowingly by the environment around us, and the negative vibrations that are emitted from people and situations.
The medallion provides a source of balanced, positive embedded frequencies to counter the negative frequencies and vibrations nearby. It is like a form of meditation calming your own energy and protecting you against the negative frequencies of others around you, rather like a mother calms a distressed and crying baby.


Just letting you know that (name withheld) has gone happily off to camp today & is feeling so much better. She has been much happier.

Liz R – Qld

Body is going well.  While eyes initially gave me some grief, they responded better after using the drops.  I did cough one morning less than normal which is a positive.

My headaches reduced and my sore muscles feel better.  My shoulder is feeling good and my itching feeling is better.

However, I cannot get over the massive improvement in my eyes as I no longer have to use multiple glasses to read.  Just amazing.  Thank you so much.

Keith M, Qld

Finished lunch, 1st solid meal of day at 1pm, had terrible cramps at 1st, but they settled quickly. Doing much better now, only minor cramping.

But the BIG thing I'd like to share, is that my meditation today is so much calmer and easier. I'm feeling sooo much better emotionally. Thank you!

Amy S, Qld

Exercising regularly again and recovery seems to be good. Even walked a couple of smaller hills today which is awesome. Xxx

Pauline C, Qld

I have been feeling well since the treatment! I still itch a bit. I still cough now and again but my hip isn't sore. My body says I don't need most of the supplements I have been taking.

Later… I am feeling good The last few days were interesting - my teeth were feeling sensitive and tingling, almost like tooth ache with some of them (where the root canal is). Today, the teeth were fine Xxx

The treatment appears to work well. I have had similar headaches which seem to cause discomfort on RH shoulder blade, neck and face, even recently. I’m not sure if it might be some type of pinched nerve from tension. The solution you made however, travels with me as I have faith in it. Thanks

Nick S - Qld

It has been 24 hours between bowel movements for Ben.  A miracle in itself!  Today he went and had firm first part and then runny. Hope he lasts 24hrs again. I have read that the Herpes virus can give you colitis and combined with Epstein-barr virus.  Not good!  He is very happy with the result so far and we forget about the simple things in life. He wants to be able to get his hair cut without worrying about needing the toilet.  Here’s hoping he can do it this week.   Have a wonderful day x 

Unknown – Qld

(Name withheld) is doing well. Yesterday up at 7.15 am full of life. He feels good.

Donna - Tas

In summary, these are the benefits of the medallions:

A safe and ongoing support for the body’s energy field
No known negative side effects
Confidence to move around people freely without fear
24/7 protection;
Cost effectiveness (less than annual replacement filters on a water filtration system)
AND it looks good into the bargain….


Medallion costs can vary depending on whether you buy an individual medallion, or for a couple or for a family of 4.

An individual medallion costs only


For a couple (2), the cost is only

$237 ($17 savings)

For a family of four (4) the cost is only

$477 (savings of $31)

The cost includes the frequency-embedded, stainless-steel medallion, a small circular ring and a colored cord. Cords are available in a range of colors:
Black, Brown, Light Grey, Cream, Pale Blue, Pale Pink, Red.
You should indicate up to three preference colors, to allow substitution in case your first preference color is not available.
If you prefer a necklace rather than a cord, these can be purchased for an additional cost, and are available as sterling silver or stainless steel.

Sterling Silver Necklace


Stainless Steel Necklace




Certainly. If you don’t wish to wear it around your neck, you can wear it taped to your skin, preferable two finger widths below your belly button. You can also carry it in a pocket, but we have a strong warning regarding that because they are easy to lose! However, some people have left it on its cord and successfully had it in their pocket because it is less likely to fall out.

We have had one Grandma who made a tiny pouch for it with a press stud – like a small fabric envelope – and it was then pinned to her grandchild’s clothing.

Whatever you feel is safe so it won’t be lost, is fine as long as it is on your body somewhere, but not necessarily exactly on the skin.


Yes, that is no problem unless the jewelry has been specifically energized in some way.


It is safer to leave it on while you sleep, for the simple reason that you are less likely to forget it the next morning, but it is not required to have it on 24/7. However, it is very important that you wear it whenever you are with other people because they can have a negative impact on you in seconds if they are in your vicinity.

You also want to wear it if you enter an environment that other people have been in.

REMEMBER: You can never be sure if people around you are emitting any form of negative frequencies from dangerous chemicals in their saliva or perspiration, or indeed in the vibrational energy from their body.


Absolutely yes. In fact, some people choose to leave their medallion on permanently because the cord or chain is unaffected by water and they don’t want the hassle of putting it on and taking it off all the time.


Yes! So be careful!

The imprinted frequencies can be diminished or even completely wiped out if you put your phone down on top of the medallion or put it in the same pocket as your phone.

Medical or dental x-rays, MRI’s and CT scans may also affect the vibrational strength, so you need to remove your medallion before undergoing these.

Strong magnets e.g. magnetic blankets, also affect vibrational strength, so keep clear of all sources of magnetic or electromagnetic vibrations or frequencies.

For these reasons, we cannot guarantee the life of the medallions because you might take it off and put it on a shelf and unknowingly put your mobile phone on it. You wouldn’t be the first person to do this, which is how we know about it, and can share it as a precaution now. There is another possibility for the reduction in its efficacy, and that is if you are already affected by negative energies. In such a situation, we would hope that wearing the medallion would assist in negating them and that your overall health would improve. Wearers have commented on feeing more energy when wearing them, although that is not claimed here.


This is the $64 million dollar question because there are a number of factors which will affect this. While we are aware that they appear to offer energy protection to the wearers for over a year previously, their efficiency could possibly be negatively impacted if you are in extreme environments, and especially if you may already be carrying negative frequencies.

The short answer is that we would hope that they would remain effective for a period of twelve months, but for the reasons mentioned, there can be no guarantee of that. You are encouraged to purchase a new one prior to this time, but also to contact us before then if you have reason to believe that the medallion is no longer working, perhaps for reasons listed below….


Usually, you won’t “feel” anything, but some people DO!  However, in the event that you may be already affected by negative frequencies, you may experience a feeling of “clearing”, or alternatively, what is sometimes called a “healing crisis”, as your medallion helps your body free up energy pathways and release toxins.

Some wearers have certainly noticed a “freeing” energy and a child has not wanted to remove her medallion to have a shower because she feels “good” when she has it on. To date, we haven’t heard of anyone having a negative healing crisis, but we mention it as a remote possibility. If this does occur, simply take off the medallion and wear it for shorter periods each day, but in any event, contact us with feedback.


In a nutshell, we know that everything in our world has a unique frequency, and bodies will emit frequencies that they have collected along the way. The medallions are programmed to work against negative frequencies and promote harmonious ones instead, which will have a positive outcome for the wearer.


This information does not constitute medical advice. In all instances, seek the opinion of your medical professional. Results may vary and there is no guarantee that you will experience the same outcome.